Thursday, March 19, 2009

ANIMAL REPORTS from Abby's School

Snow Man 2009
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
Here is the certification that Abby received from her teacher, it said..

Abby is completing a research project on a Bobcat. I strongly suggest taking the time to do your own research at home. We began some research at school, but please try to use your home Internet or public library to obtain your own research on the animal listed above. If you are able to get your own information, please send it in by Monday, so we can use it when writing our project information. Each child received hist/her ow folder today to keep all the information together. More information will be coming home each time we get to a new part of the project. Right now we are jut focusing on gathering information about the animal your child chose. Next week, we will read books about animals and begin to write some parts of the project. The research project will take about two or three weeks to complete. If there are any questions, please let me know :)

Here are some websites you can use at home: (the go to glossopedia) (type in the animal name)

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