Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Just Being Kids

Untitled, originally uploaded by szachko.
Kids are kids. No matter how tough the life it is, kids just raise their chins, beaning their eyes and make as big smiles as they can.

Let's be kids and face our destinies bravely...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Zozo & Abby in NYC - By Zoe Zachko

Zozo & Abby, originally uploaded by szachko.
          This was when Abby,daddy, mommy and I were having lunch in New York.   I had ribs,but I had mac and cheese and baked beans.  Abby and I were sitting right in front of a wall made out of wood and a fence with plastic on top.  My parents like to take pictures.  They especially like to take pictures of Abby and me.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Think Outside the box

Zozo, originally uploaded by szachko.
Zozo needed help for her Chinese homework.   The assignment was to translate some Chinese words into English. Mommy got an idea to have her sister, Abby, to help her little sister. Both girls took the assignment happily and off to their room.

Couple minutes after, curious Mommy tried to find out how girls were doing and hopped over to the girls' room. Mommy learned shockingly that girls were using GOOGLE TRANSLATOR to do their Chinese home work.

Welcome to Internate Age......