Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Abby's 2009 Christmas Greeting

Abby decided to make a short film for Christmas.

She made the characters, set up the science, direct the play and play the soundtrack as well.

Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Merry Christmas!
Originally uploaded by
S. Zachko
Zozo was fascinated by this classic nutcracker. She was playing with this for an hour without any interruptions.

It is amazing that kids can be satisfied with such a simple thing. For years, we tries so hard to pleased our kids: buy fancy toys, expensive clothes, amusement parks, etc.. and only find kids will enjoy as much as a walk in the park, a classic toy or just pet on the back as long as we are with them.

Going through almost a half of century , we still learn and re-learn new things from our kids. Life is full of surprises for sure..

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ballet Lesson

Ballet Lesson
Originally uploaded by
S. Zachko
This is Zozo's the third year of ballet lesson. She is getting better now in term of concentration. However, she still likes to make faces in front of mirror every now and then. I think this is just Zozo and that won't change no matter how old she is going to be.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Rock Climbing

Maine 2009
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
Girls have been to Liberty Science Center to rock climbing couple times but never climbed beyond 5 feet tall. Our dear Papa found this wonderful indoors rock climbing place in Maine for girls to try. Growing up in the city Hoboken, both girls definitely shows their conservative side of their personalities. I would like them keep trying this interesting activity to bring up their adventure side. :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Zozo's new discovery

Zozo's new discovery
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
We've been passing this corners to dancing class for the past two years, this is the first time that Zozo noticed this tree. She was so amazed the size of leaves. She treat them like umbrellas the same way I treated them when I was a kid.
Seeing her playing with these big leaves, I felt like I were a kid again. I would like to bring her back to the lovely place I grown up as a kid....

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Delphic Precepts. (Ai Khanoum inscription)

Originally uploaded by
S. Zachko
"As children, learn good manners.
As young men, learn to control the passions.
In middle age, be just.
In old age, give good advice.
Then die, without regret."
Timeless treasures found in Afghanistan,
Ancient wisdom discovered in Ai Khanoum.
Looking back the history,
Reviewing the current events,
What should we do for our generations to come?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A day in MoMA

Originally uploaded by
S. Zachko

Having planned to bring kids to MoMA for a while, I got the chance in this weekend. I had confidence that the big one will enjoy the trip but not quite sure the little one. Saturday in MoMA is mob. Lots of tourists in town. However, it is interesting to let kids to observe how people from different cultures appreciate arts. The little one started wondering around the art work and acting to be part of them by learning from people from different countries.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Where is your magic wand?

New York Hall of Science
Originally uploaded by
S. Zachko
This is the first time that kids visited New York Hall of Science. They are very excited about the exhibit. Zozo was so excited and cannot wait to raise her hand to ask the instructor: "Where is your magic wand?"

Well, isn't it a magical for her to ask this question? LOL

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tooth Fairy

Storm King Sculpture Park
Originally uploaded by
S. Zachko
You lost your second tooth, my dear....
You proudly showed the tooth to Mom, Dad, Nana, Papa, Baby sister, Camp director, Piano teacher...
You wrote a note to tell Tooth Fairy not to take the tooth away..
You kept the tooth in the nice bag and would like to keep it forever..
You smile happily through your missing tooth
You dance swiftly with your missing tooth
You asks me if I believe in Tooth Fairy..
I would say..
Yes, My dear. I am looking at one...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Little Girl

When will a mom realize that her babies are not babies anymore? Moms know the fact all the time but we just won't accept it. Girls know that mommy always think they are always mommy's babies no matter they are 4 or 40.

However, I have to confess that my big one becomes a little lady. Not sure if I miss the baby side of her but I feel I will have a good friend going forward.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Off! I am going to kindergarten

Zoe's 2009 Graduation
Originally uploaded by
S. Zachko
My little one is ready for kindergarten!!

She sang her song, performed her hula dance and made sure that I took this picture. I enjoyed every moments with her and am glad to be part of her life when growing up. I watched her learning her A, B, C, working on her math and writing her own books. I shared her sadness and happiness.

Countless pictures to store the way she played. Endless paper to keep the love letters she wrote..

Understanding the pressure from the older sister, this little girl puts a little bit too much on herself. I hope she is happy, safe and learns what she is supposed to learn in the up coming school year!!

Congratulations! My little one..

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Summer Camps Planning - Panic Mode.

It starts striking me that planning kids summer camps become serious business. Kids will be out of school for 12 weeks. Some of my friends have it all planned out back in March. I was lucky this year since both girls love the one they had last year and there is no question that they would be back this year for whole summer.

How about next year? What we would like them to learn something interesting? Something that would advance them further?

Never thought it was an issue. Growing up from Taiwan, the school run the summer camp two weeks the spring session was over. We stayed home by ourselves doing nothing.

Now, I would never think about to leave my kids home along till? 16? I am such a panic mom...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hoboken Dance Academy 2009 Recital

It was Zozo's turn for her ballet dance. Not sure what she had in her mind. She made that kind of funny face in front of the whole audiences. Well, we got to give her credits that she still can be goofy in front of people and to be herself.

Compared with last year's performance, she made a big progress in the ballet dance. She seemed to enjoy ballet dance.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Look at me Mom...

Originally uploaded by S. Zachko

Zozo just updated her scooter from three wheels to two wheels. She is very excited about it. She first tried on Abby's two wheels scooter and practiced in the park. She fell couple times with one minor boo boo. But she did not spare any tears and kept trying. She even gave away her three wheelers pink scooter before getting another one. Well, Mom promised to give her anther two wheeler - Pink one.

In this picture, she is on her new two wheelers PINK scooter. She is very satisfied as you can see...

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Originally uploaded by S. Zachko

Zozo decided to be a photographer for one day. Taking this interesting HOLGA camera, Zozo managed to find all the interesting subjects: Mom, bamboo shoots, trees, ducks, etc..

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Collecting Moon Rocks

Collecting Moon Rocks
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko

Ms. Brooke worked with Zozo and her friends design their astronauts suites, hamlets, and live support system. They set up the mission to the moon to ensure they can collect some moon rocks. What a class...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Walk like a peacock

Walk like a picock
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko

This peacock jumped out of nowhere and decided to walk with us in the zoo.

Zozo had such fun that she decided to mimic peacock movement including nodding the head. Oh well, that is the way it is...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You can not pick your sister but I still love you..

Maine 2009
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko

Two of them are very different kids but they take care of each other since day 1. This picture said it all...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dancing with Kite

Dancing with Kite
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko

I don't remember when girls first flew a kite. But this is the first time I caught this image. Somehow, the kite turned a live and started dancing with my big girl. The big one is a little bit serious about everything. I hope she just had some fun.

I barely remember when was the last time I flew my own kite. It could be the same age of my big girl now. Time flies. The kite acts like the girl who flew her own kite decades ago and is playing with my girls. I hope they had lots of fun..

Thursday, April 23, 2009

How many bunnies here?

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko

Walking down this lovely street, searching for all kinds of goodies and found a group of bunnies...
one small bunny, one medium bunny, one big bunny and
My honey bunny!...
a.k.a.  My eldest kid...

Monday, April 20, 2009


Maine 2009
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko

"You are not supposed to fly down to the hill at the speed of 60 miles per hour without wearing your helmet.." said Daddy!!!

I wonder which part is no part? Speed limit? Downhill? or Helmet?

Easter Pictures

Maine 2009
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko

Just one of those days that we need to get all four Zachko girls smile in front of cameras. It is really difficult. Both my hubby and I took about couple hundreds shots. Still this is the best we can do..

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Abby's Recipes of the Day

I. Strawberry and Cheese

  • cut a strawberry in a circular shape/slices
  • tear cheese stick in half
  • cut string cheese
  • put string cheese in strawberry hole
  • cook corn
  • get cheese powder and pour on corn

II. Meat Rolls

  • Get flat bread
  • Get meat and cook the meat
  • Get shrimps and fry the shrimps
  • Cut meat and shrimps into little pieces
  • Mix the shrimps and meat
  • Pour the mixture into the flat bread
  • Fold it
  • Get Sauce (not syrup)

III. Hershey Bar Cake (Sophie's Favorite)

  • Get the world's biggest Hershey bar at Hershey Park PA.
  • Pour chocolate or vanilla ice cream on Hershey bar
  • Cut a square where you put the vanilla or chocolate icing
  • Put a chocolate chip or cherry on top

IV. Kit Kat Cate Bar

  • Get 2 king size Kit Kat bars or one
  • Put icing on the top
  • Put whip cream as well (and Enjoy!)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Out of Control

This could be the very first time that Zozo was picked by Clown to help the performance. She is so happy that she almost drop her jaw...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Chubsy Wubsy

Chubsy Wubsy
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko

I'm Chubsy Wubsy. My mom looks like this, my dad looks like this, even our cat looks like this..

Sunday, March 29, 2009

ZoZo'z Twist..

Nanzanji, Kyoto
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko

At the end of Chinese School, I've asked Zozo to say good bye to teacher. "IN CHINESE, " I insisted. She looked at me and said" Konigiwa...."

Monday, March 23, 2009

A letter from an angel...

Dear NaNa and PaPa
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
This is the other side of the letter..

Dear NaNa and PaPa

Dear NaNa and PaPa
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko

A letter to NaNa and PaPa..

The big one miss her NaNa and PaPa (and Max as well). She decided to write a letter to them with a special gift...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

ANIMAL REPORTS from Abby's School

Snow Man 2009
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
Here is the certification that Abby received from her teacher, it said..

Abby is completing a research project on a Bobcat. I strongly suggest taking the time to do your own research at home. We began some research at school, but please try to use your home Internet or public library to obtain your own research on the animal listed above. If you are able to get your own information, please send it in by Monday, so we can use it when writing our project information. Each child received hist/her ow folder today to keep all the information together. More information will be coming home each time we get to a new part of the project. Right now we are jut focusing on gathering information about the animal your child chose. Next week, we will read books about animals and begin to write some parts of the project. The research project will take about two or three weeks to complete. If there are any questions, please let me know :)

Here are some websites you can use at home:
http://www.globio.org/ (the go to glossopedia)
http://www.google.com/ (type in the animal name)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Which ones are more work?

Train Ride
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko

ZoZo said to our expecting friend: "How come you still have a baby in your tummy? It hasn't come out yet?!?"

Abby wanted to know if the baby was a boy or girl, so friends told her. To which she replied: "Wow two boys? That's a lot of work!"

So friends asked her: "Two boys are more work than two girls?"

To which she replied with a confident and emphatic "YES"

So friends asked: "Can we ask your daddy?"

At which point she just ran away.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

ZoZo's Design

ZoZo's Design
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko

Zozo designed a new usage for her favor Chinese blanket-- Hair Piece. Believe it or not, it looks like the one widely used in the Southern China..

Monday, March 2, 2009

Science Project

Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
The goal is to design a kind of transportation that can run in Mars. Here is Zozo's design..

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mom, it's your birthday

Birthday card!
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
Rose Are read
Violet are blue
Sugar is sweat
and so are you..

-- unknown

For my sweetie Ab..

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Birtday Card from Zozo

Birthday Card 2
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
Zozo draw her first birthday card for my birthday... She like colors....

Friday, February 27, 2009

My Favorite Poem..

Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
My favorite poem is "Turtle, Turtle I Wonder Why?"
Because I like the way they go into their shells and about the book it's funny...

---Ab. Zachko

Thursday, February 26, 2009

What are we going to do today?

Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
I know what we are going to do today..

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Birthday Boy
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
Daddy is watching girls singing "Happy Birthday" song...He seemed very happy!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Put A Little Love In Your Heart..

Originally uploaded by
S. Zachko
This is a song that Abby sang in the Valentine show..


Think of your fellow man
Lean him a helping hand
Put a little love in your heart
You see it's getting late
Oh, please don't hesitate
Put a little love in your heart

And the world will be a better place
And the world will be a better place
For you and me
You just wait and see

Another day goes by
Still the children cry
Put a little love in your heart
If you want the world to know
We won't let hatred grow
Put a little love in your heart

And the world (and the world) will be a better place
All the world (all the world) will be a better place
For you (for you)
And me (and me)
You just wait (just wait)
And seem wait and see

Take a good look around
And if you're looking down
Put a little love in your heart
I hope when you decide
Kindness will be your guide
Put a little love in your heart

And the world (and the world) will be a better place
And the world (and the world) will be a better place
Fir you (for you)
And me (and me)
You just wait (just wait)
And see

People, now put a little love in your heart
Each and every day
Put a little love in your heart
There's no other way
Put a little love in your heart
It's up to you
Put a little love in your heart
C'mon and
Put a little love in your heart

Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Little Angel

Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
Zozo was in the company day care for the winter break. Here is the note from her teacher, Meryl Joua...

Today Zozo really enjoyed story times as we read, "The story of little Babaji," an Indian folktale about a little boy's encounter with tigers :). Later, she tried reading the same story to the other children. She really seems to enjoy reading to others:) Zozo also played in the kitchen area where she pretended to be a sales person selling food with a tray:) During meal time, Zozo taught Aren how to use chopsticks:)...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Signature Pose

Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
Zozo has been practicing her signature pose. She thought this is the past stage (in front of Independence hall)..

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Super Model Pose

Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
Here is her new Pose. She wants to make sure I took a picture of it..
(Philadelphia-Independence Hall)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hog Rider..

Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
My girl is truly a school bully. She managed to get her hog ride from the hand of the other little girl....

Friday, February 13, 2009

Chinese New Year from Chinese School

This is the first time that both girls were on the same stage in the same show..

Happy New Year...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Highlight of the trip

Pokemon Center, Osaka
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
(Pokemon Center, Osaka)
This is one of must go place for girls..

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Snow Man 2009

Snow Man 2009
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
It was 20 degree out side. My girl really wanted to make a snow man and snow angle...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Say Cheers, Please!

Kinkaku-Ji, Kyoto
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
It needs lots of pictures in order to have all three kids looking at the camera at the same time..
(Kinkaku-Ji, Kyoto)

My Little Princess

Ryoan-Ji, Kyoto
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
Imaging herself as a Japanese Princess, my little one gave me a big smile for this..
(Ryoan-Ji, Kyoto)

West meets East

West meets East
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko

Girls only see Japanese boys with wild hair style in the Animation movie. Seeing them in the real life could be quiet a culture shot..

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
Found her favor stuff animal..

How many people can reject this kind of request?

Well.. My girl discovered her girl power to get whatever she wants....

Monday, January 12, 2009

Being There..

Being There..
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
Girls found a way to prove that they WERE in Japan.