Friday, December 17, 2010


Halloween 2010, originally uploaded by szachko.
Big one always wants to have a dog for pet. I keep telling her that she can have one once she has her own apartment. One day, she figures it out that in order for her to keep a dog in her own apartment, she has to : finish the college, find a real job, make money, has some saving and then she can afford an apartment, and then a dog. It will be a long long time before she can have a dog in her apartment. Yup, lesson well learned. I am very proud of her..

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Mamma Mia!!

NYC Broadway, originally uploaded by szachko.
Zozo has seen the movie, Mamma Mia more than 20 times. She likes the movie so much that we decided to choose the same story for her first Broadway show. Zozo stayed on the line about 90 minutes to get the tickets. She was exhausted but the love for this movie made her standup till we got the tickets. She was so excited to get into the theater and could not wait the show to start. However, At the beginning of the show, she kept shaking her head and said to herself: "This is not right, this is not right.." It turned out that Zozo was wondering why the girl on the stage was not the girl in the movie. Well, she got over it very soon and enjoyed the rest the show....

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Have you found any crabs?

Star Island, Hew Hampshire, originally uploaded by szachko.
Our daily life is filled with text book, computer, TV, DVD, Wii, and games, I was afraid that kids won't never know how to feel when in the real world. Will they ever know that crabs will line up at the beach to chase the waves? We can not set up a roadmap for their lives. However, we can try our best to show what kind of opportunities out there and what kind of things and places made up our life today. I always remembered the first fish I caught and the natural music when the wave hit the sea shell beach. I hope my kids and kids' kids will have the similar memories, too.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Producer in Training

鶯歌, originally uploaded by szachko.
The big one is interested in making movies. She is holding her favor video camera and was introducing this amazing ceramic museum to the potential audience. The studio is still working on the post processing; however, my little producer/director has moved on to another stories..

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What is going on?

宜蘭-傳統藝術中心, originally uploaded by szachko.
Zozo felt some rain drops under the sun and could not figure out what is going on. She looked at the cloudless sky and wondered what happened.

Actually, the drops were from air conditioners from those townhouses.

There are lots to things to learn, ZoZo...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Little Flower Girl

Tonny's Wedding, originally uploaded by szachko.
It's late at the night, after the wedding. My little one was tired but was not willing to let go the wedding day. She hid her face under the flowers and won't let me to take any more pictures of her. What was going on in her little mind? Did she start planning her wedding day?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

High Heels

shoe, originally uploaded by szachko.
Girls have rarely seem me wearing the high heels shoes. I got two pairs this year from out of blue and caught their attentions for couple days. Days went by, I thought the excitements were over and everything should have gone back to normal.

One day at the school drop off line, my little one dragged me from her class light to the other class line by calling another little girl name. My little one said: " Look my mother's shoes, looks from the side!!!" Couple seconds after, I just heard multiple excitement from those little girls. I think I made my daughter proud that day.....

Monday, June 7, 2010

Penalty Kicks

Super Soccer Stars, originally uploaded by S. Zachko.
"NO HANDS!!!" During Coaches vs. Kids games, one of the kids blocked the ball by hand. Kids learned their first penalty kicks lessons. Of course my super star girl made an impressive save.......

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dress Shopping

Dress Shopping, originally uploaded by S. Zachko.
As per groom's wishes, all three girls should dress the same in the wedding. We only had 30 minutes left before the store is closed. We have to pick up the dresses that have proper sizes and are acceptable for girls and girls' moms. The only way that I can get my girls to agree with the dresses we picked is to give them a free choices for them to keep. We spent 15 minutes to pickup dresses and 15 minutes in the fitting room for trying the dresses up, changing the dresses size, take pictures and paid the bills. The sales ladies was amazed how fast we've done..

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Hoboken Dance Academy, originally uploaded by S. Zachko.
While growing up, I thought teachers are mentors, lighthouses and parents. Looking at my girls' teachers, I really appreciate their efforts, and dedication. I really appreciate they pulling their hearts for my love ones. Teachers are my friends, really good friends. Teachers bring the hopes and futures for my little ones and I know my kids will be in the better places with help from such good friends....

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Me and Mini-Me

Hoboken Dance Academy
Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
I thought this picture presents our futures except for one minor improvement required: ....

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Crazy Hats Day

Crazy Hats Day
Originally uploaded by
S. Zachko
School Student Counsel started Crazy Hats Day this year. Kids have to designed their own hats and wore them at the school for the competition.
There was a prize for the first two winners. My girls were very excited. Their had draw their own design on the paper and made the hats. At the end, the little one was too embarrassed to wear the hat. The big one was inspired by the Mad Hatter from the Alice of the Wonderland and decided the hot dog hat. All the kids at school had lots of fun at April Fool Day for sure..

Saturday, February 27, 2010

School Years

In school, kids do not only gain academic knowledge but also make friends. If they are lucky enough, then they will find their life time best friends. Being out of school for so many years, I still remember every parts of the school life while all the professional years do not make any marks except for those wrinkles and white hairs.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Zozo's line is 三羊開泰慶吉祥. She practiced all week long and forgot on the stage. However, she was fine with it and had fun in the end. Keep moving forwards! Keep moving forwards!! My girls!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Chinese New Year - Childhood

2010 Chinese New Year II
Originally uploaded by
S. Zachko
Growing up, I was always playing with my cousins for different plays. We set up different sciences, make up and story lines. Time flies. Most of my cousins are all over the world leaving me all the wonderful memories.

I am so happy that my friends hosted this wonderful Chinese New Year feast. It gave not only for hubby and me a wonderful time, but also let my girls a wonderful memory. This is all Chinese New Year about...

Friday, January 1, 2010

First Day of the Year 2010

Originally uploaded by
S. Zachko
This is the first picture of the year that both girls enjoy their ice cream in the mall.

Time flies since we moved to the millennium. We have girls join our journey. Life is very colorful with girls around. I am so happy that I am their mom.

This is the first time I brought girls to see movie by myself. Girls were excited. The big one took notes in the movie as instructed by Daddy. The little one just loves the movie: "Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Sqeakuel." It won't be not a bad idea to start the tradition: Watching movie with girls at every 1st day of the year!!

Happy New Year! My Girls..